Good afternoon! Well, after a well deserved long lie we are taking it easy on our day off. It’s Thanksgiving Day here in America which means we’ll be going out for a nice turkey dinner tonight. Mmmmmm. I hope the bowl of porridge I just had lasts me til tonight so I can stuff my face good and proper.
We’re at a loose end here as the shops are all closed which is a bummer. The sun has just moved away from the pool so we can’t even sunbathe. Gill and Rosie have been lying out in it since 11am this morning and have got a bit of colour about them. Tippi and I have been sitting in the dim light of the hotel room updating the website, Bebo and Myspace like a couple of hermits. Thanks to Ben who was at the gig last night and brought us tea bags after reading the first blog about the tea rationing. I’m enjoying a wee cuppa right now and it’s marvellous.
Right, time to stop being geeks and get outside.
Bored bored bored! Gill, Tippi and I just went a walk to pass the time and we were so depressed at the tack on Hollywood Boulevard and the annoying tourists that we came back to the room. We had to eat a Subway to try and boost our energy as the porridge isn’t doing it. So we’re sitting eating it in the poor light of the room like lost souls. Tippi phoned up to complain about the fact that one of the light bulbs isn’t working in the lamp. They’re going to send a man up. God help him.
We’ve managed to round up the gang and we’re going to head out early before dinner. I think the plan is to go to the Frolic Bar where we had much carry on last time we were here. You can see us in there on the Couldn’t Leave Her Alone video. Some scenes for LA Confidential were filmed there too.
The man just came into fix the lamp……it wasn’t plugged in! Bird bands!
Right we’re off to get the glad rags on. The Motown Album is on and we’re getting ready for some action. Over and out.
The morning after……
Feeling a tad rough. Great night had by all. We went to the Frolic Bar as planned at 5pm and had a couple of drinks then jumped in a “cab” to the restaurant. We all ordered the Thanksgiving Day dinner. It was basically a food mountain for $15! I was fit to burst after it. Honestly, do the portions have to be that big? Wow. The food was great though and was washed down nicely with a couple of red wines. After much banter and carry on we headed back to the hotel via the dodgy pub at the corner. We call it the Hole in the Wall because it has no windows and looks at bit grim. It’s a great wee place though. A bit like a tardis as you’d think from the outside it’s tiny but when you walk in it’s quite big. We ordered a drink and played electronic darts which was a good laugh. Some randoms started latching on so we decided to leave before the carnage began. I’m glad we left when we did cos I think my head would’ve been much cloudier this morning!
